Thursday, November 19, 2009

Love thy neighbor

The way to find joy in the company of others is to love them. When I hold back my love, I may feel that I am being frugal and prudent, but I am really just depriving myself of joy.

If I interpret “Love thy neighbor” as a sacrifice, I have perverted its meaning. Love for my neighbor allows me to experience a profound joy in his presence. I love him as much for my sake as for his.

If I interpret “Love thy neighbor” to mean “Love all men equally,” I have also perverted its meaning. Equality is not the important thing. Love is the important thing. A far better interpretation is “Love each person as much as you possibly can.”

When I read that “God is love,” I do not interpret this to mean that the ruler in the heavens is a loving ruler, I interpret it to mean that love is divine.

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