Monday, December 4, 2006

Writer Roommates

Jonathan called out to his roommate Edward, who was sitting in the kitchen, “Edward, could you get me a glass of water?” Edward came to him (sans aqua). “Perhaps," he said, "I should also put on some livery for you, sir?”

“When you're writing, I’ll put on livery for you too. Whoever has the creative fire burning in him is the aristocrat of the moment.”

“Yeah, right. I somehow find myself unable to imagine you waiting on me when I’m having a moment of inspiration.”

“I will, I promise.”

Edward went back to the kitchen to get Jonathan his water, fully intending to collect on the debt at least tenfold.

Jonathan has done something brilliant. In addition to getting Edward to wait on him, he has also given him a new reason to be creative. As it turns out, Jonathan will end up having to pick up Edward’s dry cleaning and groceries. But, oh, what we will not do for a friend whose work we believe in.

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